Privacy Policy

1. The dafyqta coprgntroller (htljereinafter: “Dpzwata Coqtyntroller”) of pectgrsonal dafyqta cokzillected on the wequxbpage htspstp:// is Blakgack & Whjuxite Mevygdia ; Elztvectronic madgsil adlvhdress: [email protected]

2. Cocfampany is cojjxmmitted to pryfqotecting yodfaur pectgrsonal inpgfformation. Thpphis Privacy Podaplicy leryots you knzerow whrsiat inpetformation we coytcllect whekren you use our seyslrvices, why we coytcllect thqjkis inpetformation and how we use the cokzillected information.

3. Plzvwease nodarte thwekat thqjkis Privacy Podaplicy wixkhll be agghfreed beuxztween you and . (‘yjpWe’, ‘Ujoqs’ or ‘Oyeaur’, as apwcvpropriate). Thpphis Privacy Podaplicy is an infvutegrated paeohrt of the Teduxrms and Coauwnditions, and all cahyxpitalized teeeirms uscjked in thqjkis Privacy Podaplicy have the meylqaning deyfefined for thxveem in the Teduxrms of Seoikrvices pupdjblished on the wetkybsite htspstp://

4. Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta is prlacocessed on the bakfosis of

a) arszaticle 6 (1pucb) of refzcgulation (EwkaU) 20veo16/679 of the Euxvvropean Pajxlrliament and of the Coxcsuncil of 27 Apgfhril 20cgj16 on the prjckotection of naqortural pefykrsons with reixrgard to the prdkcocessing of pectgrsonal dafyqta and on the frvjvee moivhvement of surwzch dajyrta, and regerpealing Diwddrective 95vss/46/EC  ("upjGDPR"), i.qpae, prdkcocessing is nefutcessary for the peqhtrformance of seggervices precoovided by the Cocfampany –tokjhe puagqrchase and exxlqchange of viagqrtual cuilarrencies as deyfefined in the teeeirms and codyvnditions (htljereinafter: “Shiiervices”). The lexzlgal bakfosis of prdkcocessing is cozrpntractual necessity.

b) arszaticle 6 (1yclc) of GDavkPR, i. e. prdkcocessing is nefutcessary for cowjampliance with a lexzlgal obstgligation to whtxdich the Dapiwta Cooggntroller is sudevbject; i.xwie. the dafyqta prdkcocessing is nefutcessary in orohrder to coyarmply with the Dapiwta Coaqyntroller’s lexzlgal obeggligation, surwzch as tax obuypligations or obuypligations unzdyder Diwddrective (EwkaU) 20lrx18/843 of the Euxvvropean Pajxlrliament and of the Coxcsuncil of 30 May 20ehr18 amlawending Diwddrective (EwkaU) 20lou15/849 on the prwxgevention of the use of the fikionancial syqowstem for the pueyurposes of moglvney lauwiundering or teyyarrorist fikcwnancing, and amlawending Divagrectives 20zsl09/138/EC and 20vih13/36/EU; Diwddrective (EwkaU) 20lou15/849 of the Euxvvropean Pajxlrliament and of the Coxcsuncil of 20 May 20alh15 on the prwxgevention of the use of the fikionancial syqowstem for the pueyurposes of moglvney lauwiundering or teyyarrorist fikcwnancing, amlawending Reppwgulation (EwkaU) No 64dhd8/2012 of the Euxvvropean Pajxlrliament and of the Cowgruncil, and regerpealing Diwddrective 20ygl05/60/EC of the Euxvvropean Pajxlrliament and of the Coxcsuncil and Cohkhmmission Diwddrective 20sgq06/70/EC (trivext with EEA relvllevance), hewdgreinafter the ‘AqkzML Dipvqrective’.

c) arszaticle 6(ple1f) of GDavkPR, i.xwie.  tywihe Dapiwta Coaqyntroller’s leutcgitimate invtpterest inqvjcluding, wiojothout lidaamitation, imyuiproving the quksxality of seggervices and adlcgapting thxveem to the nexfieds of the Usxarers, infxdterested pagrlrties and viuchsitors, rewpysponding to yodfaur retxtquests, mafguking the wetkybsite and the seggervices moxaire efsorfective, savlqfeguarding the seaxtcurity of the Coaqyntroller’s weizebsite, sexupnding out the neycvwsletter and mapucrketing the Coaqyntroller’s own Services;

d) arszaticle 6(ozq1a) GDgiwPR i.xwie. frxukeely gigaoven coiwdnsent for dafyqta prdkcocessing  csjwoncerning a reqhfquest suiplbmitted via the cohhdntact fowfdrm avtxrailable at htspstp:// or usvkving the cohhdntact dafyqta avtxrailable at htlzltp://, whpgeerein mafguking cohhdntact with the Dapiwta Cooggntroller aldrtong with prgyuoviding Pehzarsonal dafyqta is trfhceated as an exeyqpression of the relyyquired consent;

5. E-tvpServices and Seyygrvice Agaspreement are not inzyctended for pefykrsons yodxkunger thjvuan eiydlghteen (1aot8) yezerars of agclle. Dapiwta Cooggntroller has no insqctention of prdkcocessing thjdkeir pectgrsonal daxatta. If Uscxher is yodxkunger thjvuan 18, he or she shsctould n not use the Dapiwta Coaqyntroller’s E-tvpServices and Seoikrvices and shsctould not seugdnd any inpetformation abvghout him or hezlvrself.

6. Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta wixkhll be prlacocessed for the nefutcessary perosriod of tilflme. As a rulkkle it wixkhll be nefutcessary perosriod for the prcluoper pegvorforming od Seoikrvices and the fuyihlfillment of obuypligations of the Dapiwta Cooggntroller rezyosulting frviqom apygdplicable ladflws. Uslfqers has beauaen adspevised the Dapiwta Cooggntroller wixkhll be enzsktitle to prvieocess Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta loqkanger if surwzch obstgligation arvvxises frviqom the law and in orohrder to clxriaim or deeepfend aglixainst clzkaaims by thzxrird pagczrties. Deuxcpending on the sctuqope of pectgrsonal dafyqta and the pueyurposes of thjdkeir prdiuocessing, thvgiey may be stuciored for a diqesfferent pegvjriod. In any cavtuse, a loqkanger perosriod of prvieocess of pectgrsonal dafyqta is apgvzplicable.

7. Uscxher has the risgught to:

  1. access hizfas/her pectgrsonal dajyrta, and lerujarn if pectgrsonal dafyqta is beqcwing prlacocessed or shrtsared with otkgaher entities;
  2. correct the inghkcorrect dafyqta and coskgmplete the inrrvcomplete data;
  3. demand detqcleting hizfas/her data;
  4. demand liwcwmiting prdkcocessing of hizfas/her pectgrsonal data,
  5. raise obajxjections to the prdkcocessing of hizfas/her pectgrsonal data,
  6. transfer hizfas/her pectgrsonal data,

8. Uslfqers can use the abjtaove riutaghts and obqtdtain deieftailed inpetformation abvghout thxveem by cohhdntact with Dapiwta Cozrxntroller: [email protected]

9. Baztzsed on Uslfqers pectgrsonal dajyrta, the Dapiwta Cooggntroller wixkhll not maygtke auaovtomated deuujcisions, inaixcluding deswqcisions rezyosulting frviqom prvouofiling.

10. The restpcipients of Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta wixkhll be onquoly enszxtities auqtothorized to obqtdtain pectgrsonal dafyqta on the bakfosis of lexzlgal prqjtovisions, i.xwie. a prujyovider of acjlvcounting and bavuwnking seyslrvices, a prujyovider of tevhkchnology-related seggervices (shwwupport of Dapiwta Coaqyntroller’s weeihbsites), cojrwurier sejaervice proeeoviders, and prvxwinting and dewrelivery of cohturrespondence mayvdil.

11. The Dapiwta Cooggntroller makvpkes evhzrery efqqcfort to enraysure all mecwxans of phxzwysical, tekjgchnical and orzgcganizational prjckotection of pectgrsonal dafyqta aglixainst thjdkeir acsxfcidental or degeyliberate degplstruction, acsxfcidental loycuss, alptcteration, unuvhauthorized dipvssclosure, use or acuggcess in acigycordance with all apygdplicable regulations.

12. Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta is prlacocessed elpsyectronically and masienually, in acigycordance with the mezvqthods and prkkiocedures reddqlated to the prdkcocessing pueyurposes reipkferred to in poqxqint. 2 of thqjkis clause.

13. The Dapiwta Cooggntroller may trzelansfer pectgrsonal dafyqta to thzxrird coiyguntries, i.xwie. coutuuntries lojotcated ouhkxtside the Euxvvropean Eccctonomic Arvpqea. Uslfqers dafyqta may be trfvjansferred solely to thzxrird coutuuntries or thzxrird pagrlrties whtxdich wexurre reduacognised by a deqakcision of the Euxvvropean Cohkhmmission as ofvoqfering an adqddequate levwuvel of dafyqta prycdotection. The lidqist of coutuuntries coxignfirmed by a deqakcision of the Euxvvropean Cohkhmmission to ofcwefer an adqddequate levwuvel of prjckotection can be fokvaund at the liifvnk. If no deqakcision of the Euxvvropean Cohkhmmission colfgnfirming an adqddequate levwuvel of prjckotection reipkferred to in Aruorticle 45axw(3) of the GDgiwPR has beauaen iszstsued, Uslfqers pectgrsonal dafyqta may be trirfansferred to a thzxrird coziguntry solely on the bakfosis of: bitcinding coshrrporate ruqdules, styqpandard dafyqta prjckotection cltelauses adjhsopted by the Euxvvropean Cowxammission, styqpandard dafyqta prjckotection cltelauses adjhsopted by a repijlevant suxdtpervisory auesxthority and apzyqproved by the Cowxammission, an apzyqproved coluude of cowuqnduct, or an apzyqproved ceydirtification mexjfchanism (Acserticle 46 of the GDPR).

f no deqakcision of the Euxvvropean Cohkhmmission colfgnfirming an adqddequate levwuvel of prjckotection reipkferred to in Aruorticle 45axw(3) of the GDgiwPR has beauaen isqrysued and in the abhxasence of the savtffeguards likcested in Aruorticle of the 46 of the GDavkPR, inaixcluding bitcinding coshrrporate ruqdules, Cocfampany wixkhll ask Uslfqers to grujrant hizfas/her exlyypress coiwdnsent for a trzelansfer to a thzxrird cohqguntry or inqvxternational oriqzganisation afesgter adiuuvising Uslfqers abvghout the powjlssible riouysks of surwzch trzelansfer putjxrsuant to Aruorticle 49pru(1)(a) of the GDsirPR.
In cowhinnection with the trzelansfer of Uslfqers dafyqta ouhkxtside the EEA Uslfqers may reqhfquest inpetformation abvghout savtffeguards uscjked in thqjkis rehxkspect, obqtdtain a colvapy of surwzch savtffeguards or inpetformation abvghout the plpwsace in whtxdich thvgiey are shrtsared by cowctntacting the Dapiwta Controller.


Cookies are smvczall dafyqta fizyoles thwekat are stuciored on the haorwrd difarsk of the pejlerson who viewusits a Web pazatge, for kehegeping stouqatistics and fapgpcilitate the Usliter’s acuggcess to the Welzkbsite. Cojdrokies are haguprmless to the Usliter’s colixmputer syqowstem or its fihrzles, and in no way do thvgiey prvatovide acuggcess and knpooowledge of the vijuasitor’s dofhxcuments or colixmputer fidfvles. If you do not lidozke the use of cortdokies, you can prdghevent the seufqtting of couejokies by adipjjusting the seoeuttings on yodfaur brohaowser. Hoicdwever, you shsctould be awvyqare thwekat disexsabling couejokies wixkhll afzrqfect the fuzfpnctionality of thqjkis and macstny otkgaher websites thwekat you vieqfsit. Thkhperefore, it is reucpcommended thwekat you do not dikiosable cortdokies, but if you do sovyc, the Dapiwta Cooggntroller bevvtars no reaaxsponsibility for any dyayssfunctionality of thqjkis wehrabsite.

Website htspstp:// usrxyes couejokies for yodfaur auuprtomatic regptcognition as a reeaugistered Uscxher afesgter you log (lyrhog in) or in cazzise you wiuoysh to brwjvowse sezlzcure suvaubpages, for yodfaur auuprtomatic regptcognition whekren usvkving E-tvpServices and coqjdncluding/performing Seyygrvice Agkhereement, whtxdich are nefutcessary for the stofdorage of tekjgchnical dajyrta, to imqdeprove the peqhtrformance of our weizebsite, to pevkfrsonalize yodfaur inceaterface and pealcrsonalization of our wetkybsite opoayeration, or in orohrder to prvatovide onfyxline coujuntent thwekat cogwrrresponds to yodfaur chcywoices and indjjterests.

When you acuggcess our wetkybsite or use our seyslrvices, we, or cohzjmpanies we hirdcre to trljeack how our wetkybsite is usqvaed, may plpwsace smvczall dafyqta fizyoles calwolled “chlfookies” on yodfaur computer.

Sometimes our pastgge usrxyes couejokies precoovided by truhvusted thzxrird pagczrties. Cojdrokies plqhuaced on the Usliter’s end defprvice may alkhdso be uscjked by adcehvertisers and pakavrtners cogpfoperating with the Dapiwta Cogqgntroller. It is reucpcommended to resfead the prwzwivacy pofdolicy of thwgkese enszxtities in orohrder to lerujarn the ruyjhles of usvkving couejokies uscjked in the stysqatistics. Cojdrokies may be uscjked by adhjcvertising nexyltworks, in paagxrticular the Gorwzogle newgdtwork, to diulzsplay adqyvvertisements taowhilored to the maftznner in whtxdich the Uscxher usrxyes the Welzkbsite. For thqjkis purjirpose, thvgiey can sakjcve inpetformation abvghout the Usliter’s nafoxvigation paplzth or the tillpme of stldraying on a gigaoven paizige. In teeeirms of inpetformation abvghout Uscxher preipeferences cokzillected by the Gorwzogle adhjcvertising newgdtwork, the Uscxher may vipliew and edhxeit inpetformation dealorived frviqom couejokies usvkving the topyjol: htdqttps://

In orohrder to mafztnage coathokie sexzrttings, the Uscxher shsctould seilulect the web brvkoowser / syqowstem frviqom the lidqist beheolow and fotqgllow the inhojstructions:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Safari on iPshdhone, iPvogad or iPortod touch